Hübner Ratgeber Arthrose Senioren springen durch den Wald


Healthy joints with nutrients from nature

Our joints can spend a lifetime running smoothly. Exercise plays an important role in this, because, as a result, the articular cartilage can be adequately supplied with essential nutrients through the synovial fluid.

Too little exercise, but also overstressing the joints at work, in leisure time and sports can result in the joints being no longer supplied with sufficient joint nutrients.

Wear and tear and diseases such as arthrosis or arthritis could be the result.

Arthrosis disorders are one of the main reasons for a doctor's visit in the industrialised nations: in Germany alone, over five million people suffer from arthrosis pain, which can affect any joint in the body, from the little finger to the frequently damaged knee joint to the hip joint. And it is certainly not only older and elderly people that have problems with worn joints, but very frequently and more and more young people and athletes.

Therefore, to keep joint problems from occurring in the first place, you should take timely actions on the joints. These include – in addition to sufficient but well-measured exercise – also specific nutrients for joints promoting healthy joints and supporting their proper functioning. For arthrosis, these are primarily the two natural compounds glucosamine and chondroitin that have to be taken in sufficient quantities for them to be of benefit to the joints. However, also the nutrients glycosaminoglycans from the green-lipped mussel, the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, and L-proline and vitamins are an important aid for joint problems.

D-glucosamine is an important natural component of the articular cartilage. The substance supports the formation of synovial fluid, which ensures the joints working "like clockwork" in the true sense of the word. The more D-glucosamine is available in the body, the better the synovial fluid will be formed.

Chondroitin ensures for sufficient water and nutrients getting into the articular cartilage and being absorbed there. It keeps the articular cartilage moist and elastic, protecting it from damage caused by small cracks and brittleness. If there is too little chondroitin in the articular cartilage, then the cartilage "dries" out and degenerates. If, on the other hand, the cartilage is kept elastic, it can optimally fulfil its shock absorbing function in the joints.

That is why it is so important that, in addition to glucosamine, the joint is supplied with enough chondroitin. Active people in particular, who expose their joints to heavy strain during sports or work, should protect the joints from wear and arthrosis by taking the important nutrients in sufficient quantity.